100% Taurine Powder
Super-convenient, naturally occurring amino acid supplement
Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid, that’s found in high concentrations in white blood cells, skeletal muscles, central nervous system, and heart muscles. Our 100% Taurine Amino Acid is a super-convenient way of increasing your taurine levels.
- 100% taurine
- Convenient way to increase taurine intake
- Naturally occurring in the body
- Suitable for vegetarians
Nutritional information may vary depending on flavour.
Why choose 100% Taurine Amino Acid?
Amino acids occur naturally in protein which helps to build and repair new muscle1 — that’s super-important whatever your fitness goals. So whether you lift weights or are a cardio king, it’s never been easier to boost your taurine intake.
1. Protein contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.
ODPORÚČANÉ POUŽITIE: Zmiešajte 1g (približne 2½ odmerky) s najmenej 50ml vody alebo ovocnej šťavy a vypite 30 minút pred cvičením. Užívajte raz denne. Prášok sa časom usadzuje, preto odporúčame množstvo odmerať na stanovenie presnej dávky.
DÔLEŽITÉ UPOZORNENIE: Skladujte na chladnom suchom mieste mimo priameho slnečného žiarenia. Neprekračujte uvedenú odporúčanú dennú dávku. Výživové doplnky nie sú náhradou pestrej, vyváženej stravy a zdravého životného štýlu. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. Vhodné pre vegetariánov a vegánov.
Serving Size - 1/6 tsp (1g)
Servings Per Container - 250 (250g), 500 (500g), 1000 (1kg)
Nutritional Information
Per Serving Taurine 1 g The nutritional information is based on the Unflavoured version, when choosing an alternative flavour the nutritional values may vary.
INFORMÁCIE O ALERGÉNOCH: Vyrobené v závode, ktorý spracúva aj mlieko.
Why has the packaging changed?
We're excited to introduce new packaging as part of our redesign, but you might still see our previous packaging in your orders as we prioritise reducing waste. Rest assured, it's the same high-quality product.
- Brand: Myprotein
- Volume: 2kg-4kg
- Diet: Vegetarian
- Range: Myprotein