100% L-Theanine Powder
Naturally occurring amino acid — ideal for all workouts
Theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that can be found in small quantities in a variety of foods. Getting it from your diet alone can be expensive and time-consuming, making our powder a convenient way to stay topped up.
- 200mg theanine per serving
- Convenient to add to a shake
Nutritional information may vary depending on flavour.
Theanine is an amino acid with a structure similar to glutamate and glutamine. It is found in nature in various plant and fungal species, notably in green tea. It has a long history of use as a food supplement.
PREPORUČENA UPOTREBA: Pomiješajte 200mg (otprilike 1/4 mjerice) sa najmanje 50ml vode ili soka. Konzumirajte dvaput dnevno. Prah se slegne tokom vremena, preporučujemo vaganje za najprecizniju mjeru.
VAŽNE INFORMACIJE: Čuvajte na hladnom i suhom mjestu dalje od direktne sunčeve svjetlosti. Nemojte uzimati više od navedene preporučene dnevne doze. Ovaj proizvod se ne smije koristiti kao zamjena za raznoliku, uravnoteženu ishranu i zdrav način života. Čuvajte van dohvata male djece. Prikladno za vegetarijance i vegane.
Serving Size - 200 mg
Servings Per Container - 500 (100g), 1000 (200g)
Nutritional Information
Per Serving L Theanine 200 mg The nutritional information is based on the Unflavoured version, when choosing an alternative flavour the nutritional values may vary.
BEZ OKUSA: L-teanin.
INFORMACIJE O ALERGENIMA: Proizvedeno u postrojenju gdje se također vrši obrada mlijeka.
Why has the packaging changed?
We're excited to introduce new packaging as part of our redesign, but you might still see our previous packaging in your orders as we prioritise reducing waste. Rest assured, it's the same high-quality product.
- Brand: Myprotein
- Volume: 1kg-2kg, 0.5kg-1kg
- Diet: Vegetarian
- Range: Myprotein
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