Impact EAA
New and improved blend, with all the essential amino acids
Amino acids naturally occur in protein, which helps to build and repair new muscle1 — super-important for all fitness goals. Our improved formula delivers a superior blend of essential amino acids, with zero calories and zero sugar — plus it's totally vegetarian and vegan-friendly.
- Informed Choice certified
- Contains all 9 essential amino acids
- Includes 4:1:1 BCAAs
- Faster amino acid absorption rate than whey*
- Zero calories and zero sugar
- Vegetarian and vegan-friendly
Your body can't make essential amino acids itself, so they have to come from your diet - and this shake is a super-convenient way to do that, no matter what your dietary choices are.
Our blend is based on the same essential amino acid profile as our Impact Whey Protein, only it has a faster amino acid absorption rate*, and it's fortified with a 4:1:1 ratio of the BCAAs, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These occur naturally in protein, which helps to build and repair new muscle.1
Informed Choice Certified
A voluntary quality assurance programme, Informed Choice sets the global standard for quality and safety in sports nutrition. We're committed to delivering the highest quality and take pride in going the extra mile to ensure its purity, free from any impurities or banned substances.
Here's how Informed Choice works:
- First, the production process is monitored. It takes an extremely high standard to pass this stage of certification.
- Next, Impact EAA goes through pre-certification testing across multiple batches.
- Last, there's regular blind batch sampling, to make sure there are no impurities and banned substances.
Informed Choice rubber stamps supplements you can trust.
1. Essential amino acids are components of protein which contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.
ODPORÚČANÉ POUŽITIE: Rozmiešajte 9,0g (približne 3 odmerky) v 300ml vody alebo ovocnej šťavy a vypite pred cvičením, počas cvičenia alebo po ňom. Užívajte raz denne. Prášok sa časom usadzuje, preto odporúčame množstvo odmerať na stanovenie presnej dávky.
DÔLEŽITÉ UPOZORNENIE: Skladujte na chladnom suchom mieste mimo priameho slnečného žiarenia. Neprekračujte uvedenú odporúčanú dennú dávku. Výživové doplnky nie sú náhradou pestrej, vyváženej stravy a zdravého životného štýlu. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. Vhodné pre vegetariánov a vegánov.
Serving Size - 3 Scoops (9g)
Servings Per Container - 27 (250g), 55 (500g), 111 (1kg)
Active Ingredients
Per Daily Serving L-Leucine 2.98 g L-Lysine 918 mg L-Isoleucine 745 mg L-Valine 745 mg L-Threonine 723 mg L-Phenylalanine 355 mg L-Tryptophan 227 mg L-Methionine 216 mg L-Histidine 194 mg
ZLOŽKY: zmes esenciálnych aminokyselín v prášku (L-leucín, L-lyzín hydrochlorid, L-izoleucín, L-valín, L-treonín, L-fenylalanín, L-tryptofán, L-metionín, L-histidín), kyselina (kyselina citrónová), aróma, sladidlo (sukralóza), extrakt z kurkumového oleja, extrakt zo spiruliny.
INFORMÁCIE O ALERGÉNOCH: Vyrobené v závode, ktorý spracúva aj mlieko.
Why has the packaging changed?
We're excited to introduce new packaging as part of our redesign, but you might still see our previous packaging in your orders as we prioritise reducing waste. Rest assured, it's the same high-quality product.
- Brand: Myprotein
- Volume: 250-450g
- Diet: Kosher
- Range: Myprotein

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